Sunday 20 July 2014

The fault in our stars- The novel that changed many lives

"Okay? Okay." This is not just a phrase. This is the very existence of our generation, the very soul of every teenager in the twenty first century. Ok, that may be a bit too far fetched, but it definitely means something to a lot of people out there in the world, I being one of them. This is the phrase that created this epic love story between two people who were meant to be together, even if it was only for a short span of time.

Hazel Grace Lancaster is a terminal cancer patient. She lives a monotonous life...reading the same novel over and over again, doing the same things everyday. One day her mother enrolls her to a Cancer Support group. Hazel isn't excited about meeting people and sharing her story. So she reluctantly goes for her first session and meets the most charismatic and endearing person, Augustus Waters. They become friends and decide to swap their favourite novels. So, Augustus got Hazel's copy of 'An imperial affliction' and Hazel got 'The price of dawn'. Hazel expects Augutus to call her but nothing comes from his end for a while. Then one night, he messages her asking questions about the novel she gave. Hazel then explains the silent torture of reading 'An imperial affliction'. The story is narrated by Anna a girl who suffers from cancer. She talks about her life and everyone in it. Suddenly towards the end of the novel she stops mid sentence, not revealing the end of her story. Hazel wrote many letters to the author, Peter Van Houten, but there was no reply. A week after this, Augustus writes an email to Lidewij, Peter Van Houten's assistant who invites the two of them to Amsterdam to clear all their queries about the novel. Augustus breaks the news to Hazel and they both get ready for their trip. Unfortunately, one night, Hazel's lungs get filled with fluid and she's admitted to the hospital. Her doctors advise her not to go to Amsterdam in such a condition. But her mother secretly plans the whole thing because she wanted to fulfil Hazel's wish.

Finally the day arrives when they leave for Amsterdam. The three of them, Hazel, her mother and Augustus plan a three-day trip. They first go and visit Mr. Van Houten. Hazel's image of this person was someone sophisticated and level-headed. But he turns out to be a drunken, mean-spirited man who doesn't answer any of her questions. Utterly distraught, the two leave and go to see Anne Frank's house and share their first kiss.
The next day they head back to Indianapolis and Augustus confesses that he doesn't have much time left. Hazel then understands that she is undoubtedly in love with this person and nothing could stop them from being together. Except, death. As Augustus's condition weakens, he asks Hazel to write a eulogy for him as he wanted to attend his own funeral. Hazel says how much she loves him and how grateful she is to Augustus for giving her a 'forever' within numbered days.

John Green has unquestionably written one of the best peices of fiction. It reflects how love transcends all boundaries and ultimately triumphs in the end. The pinnacle of this novel would be the flawless character of Augustus Waters who seems completely perfect! This novel gives hope to all those people out there who don't have a reason to live. It gives them hope, that there is someone out there waiting for just have to get up, go out and find that person. This is an evergreen novel and will be a classic in the years to come.

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