Saturday 30 May 2015

Rise of the Guardians- Bring out the child in you

Everyone has gone through the "childhood" phase where we believe in Santa Claus, think that Tooth Fairy actually kept a coin under our pillow, always wished Sandman would give us beautiful dreams, waited for the Easter bunny to bring his eggs! What if, we missed one. What if he was forgotten long ago and never remembered later? Well, this is his story. We're talking about Jack Frost, the one who made "having fun" possible, the one who helps you pull out all sorts of pranks.

It starts with the moon. He chose four heroes called the Guardians, Santa Claus, Sandman, Tooth Fairy and Easter Bunny, who watched over the children of the world and protected them from Pitch, also known as the Boogeyman. Pitch thrives on nightmares, screams, darkness and most of all fear. After the battle of the Dark Age, Pitch was no where to be seen. All was well with Christmas and Easter but when the moon unexpectedly calls all our Guardians for a meeting, things change. He announces that another member was to be added to the guardians.

This member was sitting miles away trying to contemplate his life, understanding his purpose of living and trying and find out who he was. The moon chose Jack Frost. Jack Frost had been forgotten more than three hundred years ago and now he suffered amnesia and couldn't remember his past. Since no one believed in him, no one could see him. He was a hero behind the scenes. Getting straight to it, Pitch was back. He was spreading fear throughout the world and slowly the children who believed started diminishing. This was when the five guardians united and tried saving the children. First, they all helped Tooth Fairy collect teeth over the world. But soon Pitch raided Tooth Fairy's lair and stole all the teeth. Their only way now to stop Pitch was to make sure Easter was perfectly. Everyone, even Santa, felt that this time Easter would be bigger than Christmas. With the clock against them and Pitch swooping over the children, will the Guardians be able to save the world and be remembered forever or will evil prevail over good this time?

A beautiful movie that takes you back to your childhood every time you see it, Rise of the Guardians is a must watch. With a star-studded cast who have all done a wonderful job with their roles, you can't really ask for more from any animated movie. So if you haven't seen this movie, you're definitely missing something.

Dedicated to +Siddhant Garud because it's your favourite movie.

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