Tuesday 2 June 2015

The Big Wedding- Romedy at its best

"Once upon a time there was a family of five. There was a mommy and a daddy, a baby girl, a baby boy and an adopted baby boy. They loved each other very much and lived happily ever after." I don't think so. Reasons being, the father and mother were Donald Griffin (who now had a girlfriend Bebe) and Ellie Griffin who have been divorced for twenty years. Their daughter Lyla was coping up after her big breakup. Jared, their son, was a doctor who was always teased for being the only virgin doctor in the hospital. Alejandro, the adoptive son was getting married to Missy. That was what started everything. The wedding.

The wedding was a day away. Everyone was busy with its preparations. Alejandro then dropped a huge bomb on his parents that his biological mother and sister were coming for the wedding. His mother being catholic would not approve of his adoptive parents' divorce. So, for the next two days Don and Ellie were to be impersonating as husband and wife. This upsets the girlfriend Bebe and she leaves. Alejandro's mother arrived and suspects nothing. That evening, everyone was invited for a dinner with Missy's parents, Barry and Muffin. Unexpectedly, Bebe arrives as the waitress. Meanwhile, Nuria, Alejandro's biological sister starts flirting away with Jared. Later that night a lot of unsaid, secretive things take place in the Griffin residence.

The next morning was perfect for a perfect wedding! But, this one was far from perfect. Minutes before the bride has to walk down the aisle, everyone spills the beans, secrets splutter out and hearts are broken. Everyone is so busy cleaning up their emotional mess that no one notices Missy and Alejandro almost get away with a quiet ceremony by the lake and almost successfully elope. Things do not go all that out of hand and everything comes to a happy ending with a pleasant reception.

This movie has not received much appreciation, but I personally felt it was a cute, fast-paced, well-written story. With a cast of amazing actors, this movie really brings out the best of them on screen. The climax for me was the icing on the (wedding) cake. It really talks about family and how we change for them and try to shield them from any harm. All in all, its one of those movies that gives you a tear in your eye and leaves you with goosebumps at the very end.

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