Friday 31 July 2015

Chef- A mouth-watering journey

Chef Carl Casper from Miami is the best at his game. Being the head chef of Gauloise in California, Carl was always looked up to by his team of chefs and was famous for reinventing and rediscovering old classics. The owner of the restaurant, Riva, thought that the customers liked his food, the classical way and not when he reinvented and created new dishes. Carl was always hoping to prove Riva wrong. Soon an opportunity knocks on the pass.

A world-acclaimed critic and food blogger, Ramsey Michel, was coming to town to have a taste of Carl's food. Seeing this as a chance to show Riva what he meant, he decided to scrap the original menu and came up with exotic and new kinds of dishes. Riva was not sold. After a long fight, Carl decided to put the original menu on and they  went into full-fledged service. Later that night, Ramsey posted a scathing review on the dinner. For dessert, Carl had served him choco lava cake and Ramsey wrote that, "it felt like undercooked cake and not a "choco lava cake."

Carl did not take it well. With the help of his son, Percy, Carl goes on Twitter and sees how almost everyone was reading the review by Ramsey. Thinking that he was sending a private message, Carl insults Ramsey and the post goes crazy on Twitter. Soon, a Twitter battle begins and Carl asks for a rematch. He had created a new line of dishes but again had problems with Riva. This time, Carl couldn't take it anymore and decided to quit. In the end, Tony, the sous chef, handled the pass and served the same food that was served before to Ramsey.

Carl went home and cooked the dishes that he wanted to serve originally. After seeing a no show from Carl, Ramsey tweets again only to infuriate Carl further. Disaster strikes when Carl barges into the restaurant and has a meltdown that's being recorded and put online! The video goes viral, Carl loses his job and his reputation was tainted, never to be repaired. He had to go into hiding or just off the grid for a while, till things cooled down.

So, his son Percy and chef/friend, Martin, help him set up a food truck. But, has Carl lost his touch with food? Will this chance of redeeming himself work?

If you're a foodie (or not) this movie is for you. The dishes that are made in this movie are absolutely to die for! The colours, the flavours, the cheese! Trust me, it's going to be a mouth-watering journey. So tickle your tastebuds with Chef and enjoy every bit of the fun and the food! Bon appetite!

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