Saturday 1 August 2015

Confessions of a Shopaholic- For all the shopaholics like me

Being a shopaholic is hard. But we enjoy it thoroughly. Walking past those stores and staring at the dresses falling perfectly over the mannequins, shoes with the best colours and the brilliant sheen that almost gives a matte finish to the leather, takes your breathe away. You just want to open those doors, try all those beautiful things you lay your eyes on and you want it all! And when you swipe your card, your heart skips a beat and in seconds all of that belongs to you! But on the flip side, the dress you loved a week ago may be sitting all alone in the corner of your cupboard and probably you don't even remember it was ever there.

Rebecca Bloomwood had the same story with just a small addition that's quite large. She had to pay a huge amount of debt and a debt collector, Derek Smeath was relentlessly following her to get that money. Rebecca tried every way possible, every small, absurd excuse to evade him. And it did for a while. Rebecca's dream was to write in Alette magazine, the most upcoming fashion magazine. So as she goes for the interview, she's informed that the position has been filled but she's given another post in Successful Savings, a sister company to Alette. She's told that from Successful Savings she may be able to jump to Alette. She takes the offer and goes for the interview.

She meets Luke Brandon and realises that he was the man who gave her twenty dollars that morning for her to buy a scarf (apparently, for an aunt who's sick). Embarrassed, she leaves the scarf outside but someone returns it and things get awkward. She obviously doesn't get the job. So she goes home, has a few drinks with her best friend, Suze and writes two letters, one for Alette and one for Successful Savings. She mixes the two letters up and they get interchanged. So, a letter ridiculing the head was going towards Alette and a perfectly good article towards Successful Savings. In the morning, Rebecca gets in time to steal the letter from Alette and is then called to Successful Savings and gets the job.

To celebrate she goes on a shopping spree and finds discounts on all her favourite brands. As she's admiring the cashmere coat she's bought, she sees that it's not 100% cashmere wool and writes an article about being duped in the market. Under the pen name, The Girl in the Green Scarf, she submits the article and it's an instant hit!

But a small little thing from her past keeps showing up, the debt collector. Trying to evade him as much as possible and bringing up every lie she could ever think of, she tries her best to get away from him. But things get complicated when Luke and Rebecca start having feelings for each other. Rebecca feels responsible and scared about what would happen if he gets to know about her being up to her eyeballs in debt! Will she still have this job? Will she ever fulfil her dream of writing for Alette? And will she ever be able to pay off her debt?

A movie every shopaholic will relate to, the shoes and clothes and so many other beautiful things you see on your screens leave you awestruck. Seeing Prada and Gucci at half price, a sale at Versace, trust me, you'll get a small tear and a sniff. This movie is relatable to me, not just because of being a shopaholic but because my blogger name was inspired from the Girl in the Green Scarf. Definitely a must watch from me.

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