Monday 7 December 2015

My little sister's tale(tail)

It's been more than a year of having a new member in the family. So, I thought of writing a poem for her. Dog owners, this poem might just get you teary-eyed.

My little sister's tale(tail)

A beautiful evening of April
Brought you to my arms.
That moment when I first saw you in the light,
I realised there is now someone else with big eyes.

I remember how tiny you were,
And to me, maybe you've never grown.
At least mentally, you're still that little baby
I saw a year ago.

Together, we've done it all
Slept across the bed in summers,
While cuddled with each other in winters.
We've had water fights and cat fights,
Yet, the madness could never be relived.

Even though I know
your years are less than mine,
I will hold on to you forever, little sister
Because that one April evening
Changed my life forever.

And when you leave,
The thousands of pictures that we've taken together,
The infinite number of memories we've made for each other
Will be cherished forever more.
But one thing I'm certain of,
No one can ever take your place in my life
As my baby sister.

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