Saturday 26 December 2015

Shawshank Redemption- Fear or hope?

Prison. A word that sends shivers down your spine and brings images of black and grey walls, white uniforms, rusted bars and bad food. Desperation and loneliness is what you have left inside of you and the rest of your life, staring at the cold, paint-peeled wall to think of all the things you did to bring yourself here. Life becomes nothing more than a time bomb and you're waiting for it to blow.

In the year of 1947, when a banker from Maine steps into the prison of Shawshank, eyebrows go up seeing someone as well settled as a banker commit a crime fit for imprisonment. Andy Dufresne is sent to the toughest prison in Shawshank, Maine for allegedly committing the murders of his wife and her lover. Sentenced to two continuous life sentences, one for each of the victims, Andy enters the prison with no idea of what he would disclose within the next fifteen odd years.

With the first few months being to himself, Andy befriends a con man and smuggler, Ellis "Red" Redding. He was known to get things for people. So, when Andy asked for a poster of Rita Hayworth and a rock hammer, the two get acquainted with each other. Through the years Andy makes a few friends and a few enemies at the prison. Being a banker, the warden and officer in charge of the prison allow him to become the prison officers' official legal help assistant. Later, he is shifted to the library to help another inmate.

How time flies in a prison, even Andy couldn't decipher, but it had already been fifteen years since he had first come to Shawshank and that one day changed his life. In 1965, Tommy Williams was brought to prison for burglary. Soon, he starts talking to Andy and his friends and reveals that an inmate of his from another prison used to speak of committing a crime which was never pinned on him. The man had killed a lady and her lover but the lady's husband was framed for the crime instead. Sounding extremely familiar, Andy tries doing whatever he can to prove his innocence. But to what extent does he go?

A brilliant movie (which I had to watch thrice to completely see it due to technical difficulties) is one that really gets you excited when you see it scheduled to come on your tv. A strong message and a thrilling storyline, the Shawshank Redemption makes you see the prison world in a very different light. It has a perfect combination of humour, a bit of action, some drama but very little romance. This particular movie, I noticed, does not have a heroine per say. Nevertheless, the brilliant actors make up for everything. I found this movie's background score to be amazing. It captured the essence of every different scene so well, that you could actually feel the pain, happiness, content and horror of each scene. It may be a thriller, but it's one that you can watch any number of times. A movie worth four and a half stars from the Review Girl.

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