Thursday 28 January 2016

And you call them Crocodile Tears

And you call them crocodile tears

As the wintry evening comes to an end, 
And the birds fall silent
Your criticises echo across the hallway,
With my face stained with salty water.  

All that you say is true, 
And maybe that's why it hits so hard. 
Because every time I don't do what you wish me to, 
My heart is stabbed with a glass shard. 

I cry those silent tears, 
For they are the only way I can show repentance. 
Yet, it is all for nought
Because you think they're tears of vengeance. 

Wednesday 27 January 2016

Ruby Sparks- Redefining "characters coming to life"

We've all come across many novels that have given us characters that come to life every time we sift through the pages. But this movie might just take that to another level, a more actual and some may say, improbable level.

Calvin Weir-Fields, a young novelist is down with a major case of writer's block years after his first bestselling novel. Introverted and extremely unsocial, he has a tough time coping and decides to get therapy. His therapist asks him to write about a stranger coming up to him while he takes his dog for a walk. Yet, Calvin could never get anyone near his dog.

So, he dreams of meeting this girl in the park on a bright sunny day who volunteers to sketch his dog. They start talking and suddenly he wakes up. That gives him the inspiration. Every night after, he would dream of this girl and would end up writing every little detail about their adventures together. He named her, Ruby Sparks. Slowly, he thinks that he's falling in love with his character and that's reflected in his dreams. He starts dreaming about being together with this girl and loving the idea of it. But, he never quite anticipated this sudden turn of events.

Like every other normal day, Calvin wakes up, remembers the splendid night spent in his dreams and tries getting something on paper, but that day, he wasn't alone. Ruby was with him. It was as if he had conjured her out of his writings. She was exactly as he described and it took a while for him to come to terms with the fact that a character he created had actually come to life! After awkwardly running about restaurants and streets of the city, he was led to believe that Ruby was visible to all and it wasn't his mind playing tricks.

He continues going over the facts and realises that facts do not matter when something as phenomenal as this occurs. Calvin gets to live his dreams and writing had taken a stepback. But, as the inner layers of this mystery girl surface, will Calvin be able to recreate her as he wishes or will she get to know that she was after all just a figment of his imagination?

This movie is plain interesting. Although there may be a few parts that are a bit lacklustre, on the whole it's a good movie with an amazing plot. The sudden changes in Ruby that are seen with every sentence written by Calvin on his typewriter are probably the best scenes. I for one could relate a lot to Ruby and how she fights against being changed by Calvin because of his character and his idea of love, something that I've been through in the recent past as another Ruby. All in all, this movie truly keeps you tuned to the telly. So if you're interested in watching something a little brain wracking, this is the one for you. I'd give it 3.5 stars.

Thursday 14 January 2016

RIP Alan Rickman

The only reason why the series lasted, the only person who was a mystery and the only person who loved till he died, Severus Snape has been and shall always be the most complex, deep-rooted character in the Harry Potter franchise. And no one could have played his role better than Alan Rickman. You shall be remembered, always.


I still remember your eyes,
The way they'd glisten in the sunshine.
Your red locks dancing in the wind
As we would speak near the willow.

Everyday I think of
how it could have been different.
If only it would have been me instead,
You could have been there for your infant.

But now I'm glad that I'm almost home
And I can see you again.
My love for you is still what it always was,
And after all this time, it's even more.

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Bits-n-Bites 1- McSpicy v/s Indi McSpicy

McDonald's has had a huge furore over deciding which one of the 'spicy's stay in their menus. With advertisements flashing on our tv screens, everyone wanted to get a taste of what this new burger would bring us. I was also quite inquisitive and ended up taking the challenge. I was gobsmacked and not in a good way.

Supposedly having a "cooling" spread of a minty, creamy sauce to cut back the spice, this bulldozer of hotness left my palette screaming for something more than just the residue of fire. Having burger buns with sesame seeds, toasted in added spices, plus a batter with more spices to fry your protein and a spicy sauce, just some lettuce and mint sauce to extinguish your mouth is not enough. Coming from a family who appreciates a kick of spice in their food, I thought this challenge was right up my alley. But, I needed two drinks of Pepsi to wash down this picante devil.

As of now, McDonald's may have bitten more than they could chew. With all their products getting spicier and having no new dimensions of flavour, it looks to be a downhill battle for this chain of restaurants that has been in our lives right since childhood. The only improvement they may get from this is a huge increase in demand for beverages. If anyone has the will (and a strong gut) to tackle this hot babe, make sure you have a decent ice cream after it, because trust me, this one is too hot to handle.

Sunday 3 January 2016

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind- The 'inception' of Rom-Com

Love is sometimes overrated. All the lovey-dovey scenes and perfect happy endings in movies are so cliched, yet we love them. Nowadays, most relationships turn sour owing to many reasons. What if you had the option of wiping the entire memory of that one person you want to forget?

Joel Barish, a reserved, shy man starts dating Clementine Kruckzynski, a free-spirited, overly joyous young woman who has a thing for experimenting with hair colour (which changes dramatically through the movie). They have their share of ups and downs but later, both get fed up of each other's differences and take drastic measures.

Clementine hears about this place where they have the ability to wipe out any person from your mind. So, she signs up for the program and has Joel removed from her memories. Joel tries talking to her during work but she doesn't remember him anymore. After the horrible disappointment, he crashes at his friend's place where he is told about the memory erasing institution. Heart broken and utterly ruined, he decides to do the same and visits this clinic.

After being registered he is asked to speak out all the memories of Clementine and collect everything that is associated with her at his place. As the memory erasing process begins, Joel in his mind tries his best to keep up with the erasing. But, as they're halfway through it, he starts having second thoughts. So, the Joel in his mind takes different memories of Clementine to memories that she isn't a part of (like his childhood) and tries to outwit the sequence of memory erasing.

While all this is happening in Joel's head, the outside world isn't doing any better than he is. Secrets are revealed and things turn messy as the memory erasing process starts turning faulty. Does Joel actually succeed in keeping Clementine's memory or does technology outwit the mind?

Truly the inception of rom-com, this movie has many timelines and needs to be followed precisely, otherwise its not going to make any sense to you. It can get extremely confusing at times, but the beginning and ending of the movie clears everything out and leaves you wondering as to how you couldn't figure that out! All the scenes happening in Joel's head are the most entertaining and most important parts of the movie. If I had to choose one, it would be when he figures out a way to outsmart the system and starts running with the memory of Clementine to other places in his brain. Pretty clever thing to do, considering he was unconscious. A different concept for a romedy film, I would give it 3 and 1/2 stars.

Friday 1 January 2016

No Happily Ever After, Afterall

No happily ever after, afterall

There are no castles or dragons,
No princes or frogs.
School and play is all we get 
Yet paradise is what this place is called. 

No sing alongs or dance sequences 
Just sound of pages turning, 
And chatter echoing 
Through the classrooms.

True love and midnight kisses
Are turned into jealousy and envy.
In this competitive world, 
Everyone is your enemy. 

There is no happily ever after, 
In this world of ours. 
Happiness always accompanying 
Some amount of pain, 
Is something that's overlooked 
By our fairy tales.