Tuesday 5 January 2016

Bits-n-Bites 1- McSpicy v/s Indi McSpicy

McDonald's has had a huge furore over deciding which one of the 'spicy's stay in their menus. With advertisements flashing on our tv screens, everyone wanted to get a taste of what this new burger would bring us. I was also quite inquisitive and ended up taking the challenge. I was gobsmacked and not in a good way.

Supposedly having a "cooling" spread of a minty, creamy sauce to cut back the spice, this bulldozer of hotness left my palette screaming for something more than just the residue of fire. Having burger buns with sesame seeds, toasted in added spices, plus a batter with more spices to fry your protein and a spicy sauce, just some lettuce and mint sauce to extinguish your mouth is not enough. Coming from a family who appreciates a kick of spice in their food, I thought this challenge was right up my alley. But, I needed two drinks of Pepsi to wash down this picante devil.

As of now, McDonald's may have bitten more than they could chew. With all their products getting spicier and having no new dimensions of flavour, it looks to be a downhill battle for this chain of restaurants that has been in our lives right since childhood. The only improvement they may get from this is a huge increase in demand for beverages. If anyone has the will (and a strong gut) to tackle this hot babe, make sure you have a decent ice cream after it, because trust me, this one is too hot to handle.

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