Saturday 18 October 2014

Hakuna Matata- A motto that never fails

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade! You can't change the past, so just as our wise friend Timon says, "When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world! Put your past behind you and life will never be complicated.

I always believed this motto was the perfect one for any person. At some point in our lives we all went through our "Hakuna Matata" phase. Be it because of an exam, a relationship, a job or anything for that matter, this motto saved many of us. If it wasn't for this, we'd be stuck up in our past and we would go through depression. We'd have to spend hours of therapy to get back to our normal lives. So, if we look at the large picture, we've saved ourselves, our time and our money! Who knew that two words can cause such a huge impact, right? And undoubtedly, the result was always positive. Once you've accepted the past, you get the courage to move on in life and learn from your mistakes. If we take Simba's example, he goes through his "Hakuna Matata" phase during his childhood. When Nala finds him and asks him to come back home, he refuses because he's scared to face his past. That was the mistake he did. Then Rafiki puts some sense into him and he goes back to Pride Rock and reclaims his land!

In my life, Hakuna Matata never existed because I never went through anything in my past that I would want to forget...up until now. Grades and fathers. It sometimes feels as though they've got a deal! "Ok remember this time you're supposed to be good. I need my son to pass his language with a decent score. In return I'll make him do an hour extra for maths. Do we have a deal?" And if you plummet down once, that's the last straw! No explanation can get you out of this! So, I recently went through this and now my "Hakuna Matata" phase has just sprouted. I've taken the bold risk to forget the past and move on with my life and ignore what my grades are shouting at me. I'll work hard no doubt, but not to redeem myself but just to get a good score.

So there you have it, Hakuna Matata. It really is a wonderful phrase and it's certainly not a passing craze (see what I just did there!)

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