Wednesday 15 October 2014

Story of the tree- My prize winning composition

Hello readers! I recently won the first place in a self-composition competition. So, I thought why not share it with my viewers. A note before we begin, this poem is a lot like another one I had written. It's actually a modification of that. So, here it is!

Story of a tree

I was a seed locked away,
Waiting for my future to blossom.
Then one fine day, soil found me where I lay,
And started changing my form.

She said she was my mentor,
And guided me to be a sapling.
She then said it was time for me to enter,
The next phase of my learning.

When the time came, water, air and sunlight found me,
Shaped me to be who I am today.
They said that nature had written my destiny,
And that I would be cherished everyday.

I saw how I helped everyone,
How I changed everyone's lives.
The health and happiness I gave them had no bounds,
And I was proud of my form.

Then one day someone cut me,
Tore me from my root.
I was scared and wondered who would do this to me,
Then I saw it was man who had come to loot.

With my destruction, he sealed his fate,
For without me, he would perish.
Filled with sorrow and hate,
I left this world searching for a better place. 

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