Tuesday 6 January 2015

Book hangover- Existential crisis overload

If you thought having a hangover is bad, trust me, having a book hangover is worse. You can't sleep it off, you can't take an aspirin to make it better. All you can do is wait, wait for another book to come into your life and inevitably lead you to another book hangover. I've gone through this first-hand.

My first experience was when I was thirteen. I had read the first two parts of the Hunger Games trilogy and was moving to the last part. I was pages away from finishing it when it suddenly dawned on me that in another few chapters I'll know the whole story, the whole conspiracy, the love triangle between Katniss, Peeta and Gale would be solved. But what do I do after that? After that sudden realisation, I read the last four chapters over four days, stretching it as much as I could. But when I reached the last page, tears started rolling down my cheeks, not because I got to know everything about the Capitol or Katniss and her relationship (no spoilers don't worry), I cried because I had finished the book. I had no idea what I'd do for the rest of my life! That's right, rest of my life. A bit dramatic, agreed, but hey I was going through a hangover! Then after a few days, when I finally got the courage to keep those three books back into the shelf, I got better. My friends helped me by suggesting a few books I could read to take my mind off the hangover and I started Percy Jackson series, which yet again led to a hangover, even worse that the one before.

The moment I read Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, I fell in love with it! Soon I had finished all the books of the series with the hope that another series would come my way and all would be fine. And that series did come! Heroes of Olympus novels were, if anything, better than the first series because in this the Romans also got involved and played a huge part in it. (Again, no spoilers) For the past one week I was reading the last novel of the series. Before I could finish half the novel I started thinking, oh no! I'm going to finish this series too! I had grown extremely fond of Rick Riordan's writing and well I didn't want it to stop (though he is writing another series). Nonetheless, I read the Blood of Olympus and completed it at 11:40pm last night. The emotional end, the thought of the series getting over and another shocking truth revealed at the end, all of these things weighed on me and I couldn't shed a single tear. It was far more painful that for what I'd cry, far more unbelievable to cry about. I was hit badly with Book Hangover Syndrome. So much so that I was in half a mind to start reading that book all over again!

I just hope I'm able to find another series that lifts me from this hangover, even if it puts me in another such situation. I'll take my chances. Until then, I'm still living in the world of Demigods.

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