Tuesday 30 June 2015

A life full of surprises and disasters

Life is incomplete without surprises and a few disasters along the way. A surprise came my way a few days ago, when I decided to step into the kitchen and cook something. Being a huge fan of Masterchef Australia, I had all the inspiration I needed to march into the kitchen with a hope of making something tasty.

Day one, I made mushroom tortellini. For those who aren't aware of what I'm talking about, tortellini is a kind of pasta. It has two circular disks between which a filling is added and sealed, later to be cooked in water. Luckily it came out perfectly. Day two, it was fettuccine in a pesto sauce, again, a pasta (I love Italian food, evidently) and it was probably the best pasta dish I had ever made. Day three is where disaster strikes. I decided to get ambitious and wanted to try and make a lemon meringue pie. So many steps, so many ingredients and one less than amateur cook, that doesn't add up to a good dish. After hours of working, the filling didn't set as well as it was supposed to and my pie collapsed. Naturally, I was shattered. Deserts being my favourite meal to cook, I felt I had let myself down. Oh well, c'est la vie. And that's the most important lesson one can ever learn.

Life goes on. Now matter how much of trouble you get into, no matter how big or small a task you fail, life does have an uncanny, and almost irritating way to move on! You don't do well in an exam, life goes on. You burn your cake, life goes on. Your favourite team loses a match, life goes on. You get eliminated from a competition, life goes on. How does it just seem to "go on"? Can't it stop for a while, look at our miserable state and feel sorry for us?

But as I see it, the reason why life moves on is maybe because it feels, tomorrow may be better. There may be a tomorrow, not necessarily the next day, when you can redeem yourself and get better opportunities. That is why life moves on, to give you another chance, to let you taste failure before cherishing victory. It may seem unfair, but what's life without a little drama?
I may be getting too philosophical nowadays, no idea why. 

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