Sunday 28 June 2015

Maleficent- Villain or hero?

Once upon a time, in a far away land called the Moors, lived faeries and other creatures of magic. On the borders of a kingdom, they lived in happiness. But it was foretold that a dark power shall rule over this place and only a just hero or a powerful villain would be able to save them from death. In the Moors a young faery, Maleficent, grew up. One day, a farm boy, Stephan, came to her woods and soon the two became good friends. As time moved on, the two fell in love. But it was not to last. Stephan became ambitious day after day and soon fell apart from Maleficent. But she waited for him.

Years later, the kingdom near the Moors wanted to end all magic in the woods and went to war against Maleficent and her army. The king was brutally defeated and his dying wish was to see her dead. The person who would do that would be crowned his successor. Out of greed, Stephan, who was now a part of the king's army went one night to warn Maleficent that they would come to kill her. But Stephan knocked her out and used an iron chain to cut off her wings. Next morning Maleficent woke up in pain and anger swearing revenge on the greed of man.

The King was so pleased with Stephan that soon he was coronated and became king. Maleficent, in her realm, found herself a spy, Diaval, who changed into a crow to get her news from the castle. One day, he got back to her with the most shocking news. A baby was born to the new king and queen and a christening was to take place. Everyone was invited except Maleficent. Raged, she went there uninvited and cast a curse on the Princess, Aurora saying that on her sixteenth birthday, she would prick her finger on the needle of a spinning wheel and fall into a deep sleep like death. The only thing that can save her was true love's kiss. Saying that she disappeared and barricaded her lands with her magic.

The king ordered all spinning wheels to be burnt and asked three faeries to look after Aurora till her sixteenth birthday. More to Maleficent's dismay, she began to be more and more interested in the child. But will she ever get close to Aurora without wanting to kill her, will she reveal her true colours and will Aurora ever know the truth?

Coming back to reality, this is one movie that goes on a different perspective. The story of an iconic Disney villain, Maleficent. Answering questions as to why she's evil, or whether it was her fault for being evil, it talks about the flip side of the story. After watching this film, I am absolutely sure you will debate as to whether she was a villain or a hero.

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