Wednesday 5 August 2015

Bans and India- An endless list of non-democratic decisions

India is one of the fastest developing democracies in the world. But is it a democracy after all? With bans being slapped on everything one touches, we're not looking at a very bright future. How many things has India banned? We've banned beef, banned the usage of a few selected words from our movies (like the word 'lesbian'), we banned the documentary made on the Nirbhaya rape case, we've banned Maggi and now we've tried to ban pornography.

Basically, anything and everything that disturbs us, even remotely, needs to be brought down. For me, bans are like Pandora's boxes. The more restrictions and bans you impose on me, the more curious I would be to see it. Tomorrow we'll ban hard metal rock because it's perceived as noise by someone. Later, we might ban Facebook because of people expressing their views. We have the capacity to ban anything, and then call ourselves a democracy. This isn't democracy. Democracy would give you the choice to do what you wish to, it lets you choose for yourself and not have opinions forced on you. It lets you have a voice and have a perspective about things.

What we claim to be isn't what we are shaping to be. Democracy in India is looking more like a formality than a choice. But, maybe I am wrong. Maybe some people out there have valid points to ban all these things in India and I respect the flip side to this situation. All that I feel here, is that we are losing the basic ideas of a democratic government and changes need to take place as soon as possible.

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