Saturday 29 August 2015

The Fifth Estate- Reveal the unknown

Do you think you know everything about every incident that has ever taken place in the world? Can you say that the government has provided all information about the country through the media? Julian Assange was one of the first people who felt cheated and wanted to know the entire story about incidents and attacks that shook the earth. He wanted every bit of information without any omission. This started the revolution of the Wikileaks.

Julian Assange, a hacker from Australia meets Daniel Berg, a journalist, in Berlin at the Chaos Cummunication Congress. After learning that Daniel was trying to find Assange through the web, the two start working on the project called Wikileaks, a website devoted to release information withheld from the public while retaining anonimity of its sources. Their first target was Julius Baer, a private Swiss bank regarding illegal activities taking place in one of their branches. Originally, as they reveal this new found information to the world, the judge bans Wikileaks and shuts them down. But, after seeing the outpour of people supporting Wikileaks, the judge had to put them back online. Soon, they were into revealing all kinds of scams and revealed secrets on Scientology and the list of members of the British National Party.

The two of them were unstoppable with this new success and Wikileaks started gaining popularity and support. People from around the world searched for Julian and Daniel and wanted to join this new "justice league" but Julian was not a man who trusts very easily. With great difficulty, Daniel was able to persuade him to let his friend on board. As days turned into months, the relationship between the two founders starts becoming strained. Both of their ideas no longer match and Assange was all in for revealing information without thinking what its repercussions might be. Assange mocks Daniel for being so concerned about petty issues and moves on to newer leaks.

Almost as though addicted on a drug, Assange cannot stop himself from publishing every small, insignificant detail online for the world to see and soon starts getting suspected by his team as a con man rather than a mentor. With the White House getting involved and the Wikileaks uncovering every hidden thought, both Julian and Daniel's lives are at stake. Will Julian be able to control his thirst for truth or will uncovering the truth be the end of him.

Based on true events, the Fifth Estate gives us the true story behind the biggest revolution of this century, the Wikileaks. A powerful movie with an even more powerful message, this is a must watch from my side. But the question that arises here is to what extent does one go to reveal the unknown?

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