Friday 28 November 2014

Angels and Demons- Robert Langdon's first adventure

Robert Langdon is your average university professor of the most unlikely subject, symbology. Life is normal and blissful until that one fateful night when his phone rings and he leaps into an adventure before he knows it.

Mr. Maximillan Kohler, the director of CERN, a secret scientific society, calls Robert Langdon in the middle of the night about the death of one of his fellow scientists who has been branded on the chest with an ambigram of "Illuminati". Robert, being a professor of symbology had all the knowledge needed to solve this murder and is flown from one corner of the world to the other within hours. He meets Maximillan Kohler and they go to take a closer look at the victim, Leonardo Vetra. Only then does Kohler reveal that the killer has taken Leonardo's eye ball, which is why he suspects the killing to be connected to his work. He calls Leonardo's daughter, Vittoria Vetra who explains the project she and her father were working on, antimatter. Antimatter is highly volatile and explosive and just a few milligrams could wipe off a small town. The power harnessed by it, if gotten into the wrong hands could cause huge mass destruction. Vittoria and her father had collected a pretty large amount of it, which was stolen.

Our journey begins from here, when Kohler gets information that the canister containing antimatter is somewhere in Rome and they had less than twenty-four hours to recover it. Robert and Vittoria leave for Rome and the Vatican City is also in mourning as the Pope had recently died and all the Cardinals were in the Sistene Chapel to elect their next Pope. With a race against time, the two get help from Camerlengo Carlo Ventresca, the person closest to the Pope, and try locating the canister.

Robert uses an old Illuminati process to retrace the steps of the Path of Illumination which leads him to four locations based on the basic elements, Earth, Air, Fire and Water. After he gets this information, one by one four cardinals are chosen to be killed. The first Cardinal is killed by earth, suffocating him by choking him on soil. The second Cardinal is killed by air, by puncturing his lungs and the third Cardinal is killed by fire, by burning him alive. Langdon understands the chronology of the events and goes to Santa Maria Della Vittoria Basillica but is too late to save the Cardinal. He is able to get a glimpse of the assassin who also kidnaps Vittoria.

To solve the mystery once and for all, Robert must find Vittoria and the assassin, complete the Path of Illumination and locate the canister containing antimatter.

Angels and Demons is a lightning paced novel with a brilliant storyline. It's a nail-biting experience right from the turn of the first page. The ending is a bit dramatic and unpredictable which some may find entertaining while others won't. The way Dan Brown shifts from one scene to another by the end of each chapter is want makes you want to keep reading. All in all, this is one of the best novels I've ever read.

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