Thursday 13 November 2014

Monsters University- A prequel-sequel

Everyone has a past. It may be very different from your present or it may be exactly like it always was. Monsters too have a past and in this movie we delve into the friendship of Mike and Sully, the two best mates. Let's see the huge change in them through college years to the working life.

It starts with a dream. A dream of becoming the best scarer in the world. Mike Wazowski was probably the youngest monster to have a dream and the will to achieve it right from his childhood days. Finally the day dawned when he entered Monsters University. It had departments for door making, scream container designing. But the main attraction was the Scaring Programme. It brought out the best scarers from the amateurs and trained them for a job at Monsters Inc. At uni, Mike expected recognition right from day one. But things never really went according to plan (yes, even in monster world things can go wrong) and he was tossed at the back of the class with the other geeks and nerds because that place was ruled by the kids of legacies. As expected, these kids were snobbish, self-centred and had never heard of the word "studying". Soon James Sullivan, the son of the legend Sullivan, took centre stage and immediately was taken as an enemy by Mike.

He felt that if he proved himself better at the theory, even Sullivan couldn't take him down. Mike was right on that, but what he lacked was being scary. The uni had given them a time slot after which they would give an examination. If they cleared the exam they would continue in the Scaring Programme or else they were sent to other departments. Soon the examination day arrived and both Mike and Sully didn't get in because Mike had the knowledge but wasn't scary and Sully was scary but didn't have the knowledge. And inevitably, the two were sent to scream-container department.

On a normal day after scream container class, Mike had a sudden epiphany! He recalled that on the first day of uni he saw a poster of Scare Games. It was the ultimate scaring competition! Brutal, scary, lethal and challenging, this was ultimate challenge for a scarer. So to enter the games, he had to be part of a fraternity.

So basically, all Mike had to do was find a good fraternity (which would accept him), make sure they're good scarers and mainly beat Sullivan in this and rub it in his face that not everyone from royalty are the best. But as things never go as planned, improvisation is the best thing (more like the only thing) to do.

So don't waste any more time and watch this awesome movie! And with that I'm done with my spree of animated movies. I'll be focusing more on Rom-Com for sometime. Watch out for more reviews!

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